If you're reading this, you've probably been struggling with hair loss, or know someone who has, and you’ve tried everything under the sun to prevent it. We know firsthand how frustrating it can be to try all sorts of products and remedies that don't seem to do anything. It can feel like you're just throwing your money away. That's why we want to look at some of the top myths about preventing hair loss and the things that we’ve seen actually work. You don't have to keep wasting your money on stuff that doesn't work – there are things you can do to actually help prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.
Myth #1: "Hair loss is just a genetic problem and there's nothing you can do about it."
False! While genetics do play a role in hair loss, there are still things you can do to keep it from happening to you. While you may be more prone to hair loss due to genetics, there are other factors that can contribute to hair loss as well, such as hormonal imbalances, certain medications, underlying health conditions, and your day to day habits. By addressing these factors, you may be able to prevent or slow down hair loss. Additionally, using the right hair care products and following a healthy hair care routine can help to prevent hair loss. It's important to remember that genetics are just one piece of the puzzle and there are steps you can take to try and prevent hair loss.

Myth #2: "Wearing a hat or ponytail all the time will cause hair loss."
False! While it's true that wearing these styles too tightly can cause damage to your hair and lead to breakage, they won't cause hair loss. What they can do is cause hair breakage, which can lead to less actual hair on your head and a thinner look. But, given time and a positive growth environment, that hair can regrow and contribute to a thicker head of hair. Wearing a hat or ponytail occasionally will not cause hair loss, but if you wear these styles too tightly or if you keep your hat very tight or rubs around your head during the day, it can lead to damage and breakage. To prevent this, it's important to remember to be gentle with your hair and keep it as healthy as possible so that it’s better able to withstand a little occasional rough treatment.
Myth #3: "Hair loss is just a normal part of aging and there's nothing you can do to prevent it."
Not true! While it is common for hair to thin as you get older, there are still things you can do to prevent it. Just because many people don’t take steps to save their hair as they age, that doesn’t mean that it’s an inevitable part of the aging process. By addressing the different factors that contribute to it, and taking good care of your hair, you may be able to prevent or slow down hair loss. This can include using quality speciality hair care products, following a holistic hair care routine, and eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals. It's important to remember that hair loss is not a inevitable part of aging and there are steps you can take to try and prevent it.
8 Effective Strategies for Hair Loss Prevention That Actually Work
If you're struggling with hair loss, you're probably looking for ways to prevent it and promote healthy hair growth. There are many things you can do to help with this, and in this section, we'll go over 8 strategies that we have seen actually make a difference. From using the right hair care products to making lifestyle changes, there are many steps you can take to try and prevent hair loss.
Use a Gentle, Sulfate-Free Shampoo and Conditioner
Using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner can help prevent hair loss by avoiding stripping the hair of its natural oils and causing damage. Sulfates are a type of ingredient found in many shampoos that can be harsh on the hair and scalp, leading to dryness and breakage. Sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners are gentler on the hair and can help to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Our professional strength shampoo and conditioner are not only sulfate-free, but also formulated to work together to strengthen hair, stop thinning, and help hair to appear thicker and fuller.
Avoid Using Heat Styling Tools Every Day
Heat styling tools such as blow dryers, flat irons, and curling irons can cause damage to the hair and lead to breakage. To prevent hair loss, try to limit your use of these tools and use them on a lower heat setting. Letting your hair air dry or using heat-free styling methods can also help to prevent damage. While this damage doesn’t actually mean that you have fewer growing hair follicles, each hair that grows thinner or breaks off means that the remaining hair has less volume.
Eat a Healthy Diet Rich in Vitamins and Minerals
Hair is made up of proteins, so it's important to get enough protein in your diet to support healthy hair growth. In addition, vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, and vitamin C are critically important for healthy hair. Eating a diet rich in these nutrients can help to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. Supplements are one way of getting enough of these healthy, everyday nutrients, but a well balanced diet will also provide them and a host of other health benefits.
Try Using a Hair Thickening Serum or Oil
Hair growth serums and oils have gotten a bad rap over the years, but a good, scientifically backed hair thickening serum really can help to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. Someone offering you a magic liquid to regrow all your hair is lying to you, but our serum is designed to quickly stimulate healthier, thicker and stronger looking hair, and it’s backed by a 60 day money back guarantee, because we know it will make a difference for you.
Take Hair Growth Supplements
Certain supplements, such as biotin and folic acid, have been shown to help with hair growth. These supplements can help to nourish the hair from the inside out and promote healthy hair growth. Since it can be difficult to get enough of these in your day to day diet, consider taking a supplement to make sure that your hair has all the building blocks it needs to stay thick and healthy.
Get Regular Trims to Get Rid of Damaged Ends
Split ends can cause hair to break and lead to hair thinning, so getting regular trims can help prevent this. Aim to get a trim every 6-8 weeks to get rid of damaged ends and keep your hair looking healthy. If your overall goal is longer hair, this can seem counterintuitive, but by preventing those split ends from traveling further up your hair, they keep the remaining hair looking thicker and healthier.
Use a Wide-Toothed Comb to Detangle Your Hair Instead of a Brush
Combs are gentler on the hair and can help to prevent breakage. When combing your hair, start at the ends and work your way up to the roots to gently detangle the hair. Whether you’re dealing with longer or shorter hair, a wide tooth comb gives you more control to be gentler with your hair and can result in fewer broken or pulled out hairs.
Avoid Tight Hairstyles That Pull on Your Hair
Tight hairstyles such as ponytails and cornrows can cause damage to the hair and lead to breakage. I know we mentioned that tight hairstyles causing hair loss is a myth, which is accurate, but they can lead to broken hairs. To prevent hair breakage, choose looser hairstyles or at least use hair ties that don't have a metal clasp. This will help to prevent damage and promote healthy hair growth.
Take Your Next Steps to Healthier, Fuller Hair
To sum it all up, hair loss is a common problem that can be caused by many different factors. However, there are steps you can take to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. To make a hair care plan that includes these strategies, start by choosing appropriate shampoos, conditioners, and serums that are formulated for hair loss prevention.
Then build on that plan by considering adding hair growth supplements to your routine, as well as getting regular trims to keep your hair healthy. In addition to these hair care steps, be sure to follow a healthy diet and take steps to be gentle with your hair. By following these action steps, you can help to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth that leads to a thicker looking head of hair.
Begin enhancing your hair growth today with hair restoration products that have been proven to support stronger, thicker, and healthier hair.