Welcome to the Hair Restoration Laboratories' Blog. The purpose of our Blog is to provide you a summary of the latest advancements in hair loss research, to educate you on the products that we are developing and offering and to provide whatever guidance we can to men and women struggling with hair loss and hair thinning.
For our initial Blog, we are keeping it simple–Who are we?
Approximately 10 years ago, Hair Restoration Laboratories was founded by real people, who, at the time, had dealt with hair loss for many years. Our company is based in New Jersey and was started because we know, firsthand, how distressing hair loss can be, particularly when you first begin to notice it.
Through this Blog, we hope to ease the worry, panic and embarrassment that the men and women who founded our company know all to well. Even more importantly, we want to bring you news and products which, after a decade of being involved in the hair loss industry, we firmly believe can help support stronger, thicker and healthier hair.
Understand that you are not alone. More than 50% of men and 40% of women will experience hair loss after age 30. It is important to act as quickly as possible when hair loss is first noticed. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to slow down or eliminate the hair loss and regrow your hair. Every day matters.
Please do not surf the internet looking for miracle hair loss cures. If such cures existed, they would be on the front page of every newspaper. No matter how tempting an advertisement may be, there is no lotion or potion being manufactured that can guarantee success in your fight against hair loss. Further, no matter what hair loss treatment you choose, reversing the hair loss/thinning process and regrowing hair takes patience and time. You must faithfully comply with the directions of the hair loss treatment being used and provide it time to reverse the hair miniaturization process.
The truth is that there are only a few options that have been clinically-proven to reverse the process of hair loss and thinning and regrow hair. In this blog, we will explain to you why men and women suffer hair loss, the legitimate options available to treat it and which future options appear to be promising, as well.
We are on this journey together. We promise to bring you the best information and products we can identify to help you in this fight.
Hair Restoration Laboratories